When I was about 5, before I started school, I was hit in the head with a croquet mallet. Chris Vokac did it accidentally as I was looking over her left shoulder. She took a swing more fitting for a golf club than a croquet mallet and caught me just above my left eye splitting the skin and crushing the bone. I ran home (across the street) crying covering my eye. My parents were certain from the blood running under my hand that I had lost my eye. But, no. Just the typical profuse level of bleeding from a facial cut.
My skull was kind of dented in which sounds horrible, but at that age, it was not a particularly big deal. It bumped back out, so to speak, and really all I was left with was a corner shape scar cutting through my eye brow.
As a kid and adolescent I used to be sensitive about the scar. I always wore my hair to one side to hide it. I hated when I would get a zit on it because I felt like it drew attention to it. AND it hurt like nothing else to have a pimple on the scar tissue. In actuality, it was not that noticeable and certainly would never have been considered a disfigurement.
Over the years it has faded and softened even more. I don't think about it much anymore unless I get a way-post-adolescence-zit and it still hurts. In truth, I don't know if it's even noticeable or visible anymore.
I'm going to go check.
Yep, still there.
I'm dead this is funny I wanna see your scar though